Monday, May 7, 2012

And Hanna Prayed for a Son...

Years ago when I was much younger and of childbearing age, 
I prayed that My Heavenly Father would send our family a son. 
 I asked Him to send me a strong and valiant spirit that would want to be obedient, 
and Love his Father in Heaven.  
To which God answered with this handsome man, Derek.
He grew up to become what the Lord had required of him and served with a valiant heart.
But service alone was not enough. He wanted service with companionship.
Enter Ange Krieger

Now unlike Samuel of the Old Testament, Derek would not be alone.

The Lord sent Derek a Beautiful Spirit in a beautiful body to be his companion
We love everything about her.  She loves the Lord and wishes to serve Him.

Derek is now a Happy young man

And Ange is a happy young woman

and together they are the answer to a Mothers Prayer.

So when you are praying for your children, born and grown,or yet to be,
 Be specific, be careful and be constant.
The Lord does hear you he just has to wait for right moment to come along to answer you
He needs for all the players to be in place and sometimes that takes a while.
Sometimes we all need a little nudge in the right direction, or a gentle hand to guide us.
We need to know that we are not alone, and we do not have to go alone.
We need a companion, an equal in purpose, a friend.

I love the way the Lord answered my prayer for a Son,
 and I was given such a Daughter to go with him. 
Everywhere they go, Joy will follow.

And Hanna Prayed for a Son.