Sunday, April 24, 2016

The Joy of a Lilac

The Joy of a Lilac

I have wonderful neighbors who have planted Lilacs in their yards.   I also have a pale lavender colored bush in the corner of my yard.  But the old bush in my back neighbor’s yard is something to see.  It must be at least 20 feet tall and spreads out like a deep purple carpet for all to enjoy.
The other day as I was trimming the verge out by the back fence I plucked a few low hanging clusters that were clearly wanting to come inside.  I put them in a vase and set them on the patio table to “debug” while I continued my work.  As I sat enjoying my afternoon break and cool water, the wonderful scent of those deep purple flowers gently took me back to a memory of many years ago.
When I was much younger than I am today, the primary children would gather during the week and learn of the Savior and his teachings. We would sing songs to reinforce these teachings and other pleasing things, like the earth.
One of my very favorite memories of “Singing Time” is the day we learned the beautiful song  “My Heavenly Father Loves Me” By Clara W. McMaster.  Our enthusiastic Music Leader, Lavinda Oppie had brought in the biggest bunch of these dark purple flowers I had ever seen.  I am sure we had some around our house but this was the first time I remember seeing them in a huge vase, displayed like real flowers.
How delightful they smelled, how gorgeous they looked all tucked into that vase.  What an impact they made on me. 
“Whenever I hear the Song of a bird or look at the blue, blue sky, Whenever I feel the rain on my face or the wind as it rushes by, Whenever I touch a velvet rose or walk by our lilac tree, I’m glad that I live in this beautiful world Heavenly Father created for me.”
I love hearing Lavinda’s beautiful voice singing those words over and over as we learned this song.  She had a picture of a red bird and the blue sky.  She had a single red rose, and those Lilacs.  She was a master music teacher, and I know that she was one of many who fostered my love of music.
Some things in our brains are inseparably connected.  Smell remains one of the greatest triggers for memory we have.  Every spring when they bloom, the pungent fragrance of those lilacs brings back so many happy memories of the Music of my Youth, Lavinda Oppie taught me so many songs about Love and our Savior, and the world in general.  Reinforced at home as my own Mother sang them while she worked, These songs became ingrained in the very fiber of my being.  I sing them in my dreams.  I hum them when I do not realize I am humming.  They are as much a part of my memories as the color of the trees I grew up under.   
          “He gave me my eyes that I might see the color of butterfly wings.  He gave me my ears that I might hear the magical sound of things. He gave me my life, my mind, my heart, I thank Him reverently for all his creations, of which I’m a part. Yes, I know Heavenly Father love me.”
What a kind and loving Father in Heaven we have,
 to give me the opportunity to find such joy is such a simple thing.

 A deep purple Lilac.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Ahhh  Spring

We went to the Seattle area for Spring Break and I was reminded of why I love living in the Beautiful Desert.  The Green Hue of pollenating Cedars and Scotch Broom, played such an April Fool’s joke on my Sinuses.  My Sweet family was so patient as I coughed and sniffled my way through the week. 

          But this is a conversation about choosing to be cheerful, so Let me share some of the Cheerful experiences I did have while off enjoying the Greens of Spring.

          I have a wonderful Granddaughter who laughs with the robust energy of someone who knows life’s secret.  This Delightful Child can embrace the joy of living like no one I know, except for perhaps her Mom.  As I was sniffling away one day sounding like I was the Frog Prince,  She smiled and said  “Nana, that is not your happy voice”   No child it is not.   But I can try to find it again.  Even this child whose love of life only knows two volumes, know what our happy voices sound like,  and why we are supposed to use them always. 

          I have a Grandson who thinks the whole world is here just for him.  And coming in at just 14 months, why shouldn’t he.   He was cutting some painful teeth recently and still had a smile for everyone.  He loves food.  Let me say that again.  HE LOVES FOOD!  If you offer it to him,  he will try it and usually he likes it.  Wouldn’t the world be a wonderful place if we all found food to be such a pleasure.  Not just something that keeps us alive or needs to be monitored for caloric value,  Something to be enjoyed, savored,  and yes even occasionally smeared all over the place.  Ahh Good  Food

          And then there is our Little Bear, Baseball loving Bear.  His dream is to play for the Seattle Mariners.  I told him when he signs his contract be sure they include your free tickets for you Nana and Mom.  He said he would.  We attended a Ball Game with him and His Brother on our last night there.  The local Team is a minor league team that feeds the Mariners.  The Tacoma Rainiers.  They had a great opening Day.  Winning in spite of some bad calls (Every team gets them) and Fireworks to send us off.  It was a great time, had by all. ( We can't seem to find the fireworks pictures)

          But this trip something wonderful happened that went almost unnoticed,  Our daughter has a very giving neighbor, and she gifted a pair of roller-skates to the kids.  We have a scientist in the family.  He gets dinosaurs and atoms and all that comes with being a bit nerdy.  He was not born with the Athletic gene his brother inherited.  He was given a big beautiful Brain and he loves to use it, But, he also was given patience, and when he chooses to be patient, he can figure out almost anything, including how to roller-skate.     

          Life is a choice, and our choices determine so much of who we are.  We can be only what is easy, or work hard to become what we dream of.  We can succumb to the green hue of misery ,  or revel in the glorious sunshine of laughter.

Life is a Choice,  Choose Cheerful.  Live Happy